Today is the last day of 2020. And I am having this irresistible urge to write something. To let my mind wander and weave together random thoughts that bubble in my sub-conscious psyche. Toward the end of a year, I get this urge to look back and contemplate at the year that is just about to fade away, and to pen down my thoughts as we are at the threshold of a new year. I had been thinking of writing something for the last few days, but time has been so scarce that several critical commitments and tasks are piling up even as I am writing now. I was telling my wife yesterday that I needed to write something but if I did, then sending a pending report would be delayed, revising students’ papers and presentations would get pushed to the next year and so on. But then I thought – if I do not write something now, I will not write in a long time because once we step onto 2021, new assignments and tasks would flood in, new hopes of a better tomorrow and renewed vigour toward higher profe...