When a PhD student is nearing completion of his/her PhD, the worries, concerns and dilemma pertaining to a post-doc start to loom. This situation is strongly dependent on the broad area of PhD and also on the specific area within a particular discipline. For instance, to my knowledge and observation, PhD graduates in basic sciences such as physics or mathematics mostly or usually do one or more post-docs, while PhD graduates from say Electrical or Computer Science Engineering usually bypass the post-doc stage - not all such engineering PhDs, but mostly. For instance, if we randomly pick up 100 fresh PhD graduates in Physics or Mathematics, and 100 fresh PhD graduates in Electrical/Computer Engineering, what how would the statistics look like with regard to the percentage of graduates going for post-doc in physics/math vs. those in electrical/computer engineering? I do not have the statistics with me to claim anything, but based on my observation and interaction in the last 4....